Ralph Wetherell

Commissioned Lay Pastor

Ralph Wetherell and his family have been worshiping and growing with Palmetto Presbyterian Church for over eight years. He comes to us from within our congregation, having served as an elder. Ralph is on staff at Palmetto as a Lay Pastor Commissioned by the Charleston-Atlantic Presbytery.  During his Lay Pastor process, Ralph felt a deeper call to gain a better insight and understanding of his faith.  Currently, both he and his wife, Terri, are completing seminary.  Ralph has earned a Masters in Christian Leadership. 

  “I am a tent-maker, in that I have realized a thirst and passion to serve God and the church in a bigger way, but I also go to work every day to earn a living for my family.  I have come to realize and enjoy the fact that there are a large number of folks out there who do just that. Palmetto is blessed with caring folks who live this life daily; I really love this about our church. We are a community of Christ-like people who desire to serve, not because of duty, but because of a burning passion!”

Ralph and his wife, Terri, together have four children: Tayler, Alex, Richard, and Harrison. Harrison is attending Clemson University, They also have been blessed with two grandchildren, Anne Elliott, and Price. 

Contact: rwetherell@palmettopreschurch.org