Life Events
Baptisms, Weddings, & Funeral Planning
Baptism is the sign and symbol of inclusion in God’s grace and covenant with the Church. Interested in scheduling a baptism? Please complete the Baptism form to be presented to session.
Weddings and Pre-marital Counseling at PPC
We at Palmetto Presbyterian Church (PPC) rejoice with you as you begin your new life together. Marriage is the sacred unity of a man and a woman in the presence of God. In order to maintain a worshipful atmosphere, this wedding policy has been approved by our governing body, the session. All weddings must be approved by the session and couples must be sponsored by a PPC church member. The pastor and music director are prepared to assist you as you plan a ceremony which will glorify God and celebrate your joyful occasion.
Funerals & Columbarium
The funeral service is a service of worship under the direction of the minister. The purpose of the service is to give thanks to God for the gift of the life of the one who has died and witness to our faith in God's continuing gift of life to us in Jesus Christ. Although the reality of death is acknowledged in the service, even more importantly the reality of our hope in Jesus Christ is affirmed. It is the hope of the Session that this information might assist members and friends in looking at the crucial issue of death and the disposition of our bodies in the context of our Christian faith.