Making & Growing Disciples
for the Glory of God

Welcome to Palmetto Presbyterian Church

At Palmetto Presbyterian, you will find a Community of real people who are more concerned about where you are going than where you have been. Our purpose is to ask the right questions, not provide easy answers. Here, you will find unconditional Acceptance and acts of Love.

In the midst of asking tough questions, we pull good news from the gospel. Our worship service is a Joyful and uplifting experience where the focus is not “what must I do to be saved,” but what Christ has already done to save me. In true Presbyterian form, we start with God.

Anything we Do is in response to God’s Grace.

Worship With Us

9:00 a.m. Outdoor Worship in the PPC Pavilion

10:30 a.m. Worship in the Sanctuary

Children’s Church provides classes for Pre-K through 5th Grade.

Upcoming Events & Announcements

  • Advent Services

  • Women's Ministry

Get Connected

  • Children's Church

    Children's Church welcomes all children, Pre-K through 5th grade. After Time with Children, all children are welcome to leave worship for Children's Church or remain in the sanctuary with their families.

    Adults, if you would like to volunteer for Children's Church, please get in touch with Lori Russ.

  • First Time Visitors

    Welcome! We’re so glad you have decided to join us and we look forward to meeting you in person.

    For more information on our church, what to expect, and how to get connected, please click the link below.

  • Live Stream

    For those wishing to join us virtually, please visit the link below to live stream our 10:30 a.m. Sunday service.

    Past sermons can also be accessed through this link and by visiting our youtube page.

Giving at PPC

Click here for more information on our new giving solution!