Songs . Bible Stories . Crafts . Games . Mission .


Songs . Bible Stories . Crafts . Games . Mission . *

Vacation Bible School 2025:

Miracle Worker

Glow with GOD!

Ages 4 - rising 5th grade

June 26-29

Thursday and Friday: 5:30-8pm….dinner provided

Saturday: 9:30-12pm……breakfast provided

Sunday: Children will participate in a special VBS centered service at 10:30AM.

Our VBS will follow our Miracle Worker, Jesus, as we focus on 3 miracles He performed and learn how we can glow with God.

This year we are thankful to be able to offer this program at no cost to you but you are welcome to make donations in person or online. Please designate for VBS.

Schedule Rotation

  1. Songs - singing about our Miracle Worker

  2. Bible Stories - becoming a part of the story and learning about how Jesus will never let us walk in darkness without His light

  3. Crafts - showing God’s brightness

  4. Games - racing to glow with God’s light

  5. Mission - Learning how to be light for others (check back soon for our special Mission partner for this VBS)