Where are you called to serve?

At PPC, we believe in getting our members plugged in and we believe in service. The work of Palmetto Presbyterian is carried out by ten very active ministry teams. Descriptions about those ministry teams can be found below. We encourage you to fill out this form to find an area in our church where you can plug in and use your spiritual gifts.

What is Team Palmetto?

 Team Palmetto comprises ministry teams and is led by a chairperson. The chairs of the teams meet monthly to plan ministry for the next 6-8 weeks. The pastor serves as moderator, and each team has at least one elder representative. During the meetings, new ideas are presented and discussed amongst the group. Attending a meeting is a great way to be in touch with what is happening in the church!

(Team Palmetto chairs are not ruling elders)


The worship team oversees all aspects of worship: flowers and worship supplies,  lining up liturgists, acolytes, ushers and greeters, working with the pastors and music directors to plan special worship services, preparing the communion elements and setting up for baptisms, worship team members pull the attendance pads and keep the pews stocked with church info and envelops, they plan ‘workdays” to decorate for the holidays, they make new banners and oversee the wedding guild. On any given Sunday, 20 to 30 people are involved in preparing for worship.


This team follows up with all new members, ensuring they are getting involved in the ministry of our church. They host gatherings to introduce new members to each other, give them token gifts a month or two after they have joined, make sure they understand our pastoral care ministry, and answer any questions the new folks may have.


At Palmetto, we have adopted the ‘three H’s’: Haiti, Hands of Christ, and Huger, giving us an international, presbytery-wide, and local mission emphasis. This team collects food items for food pantries and for ECCO ( East Cooper Community Outreach). They provide Thanksgiving meals for needy families in our community, co-ordinate our special offerings, plan mission trips (especially to Haiti), collect school supplies and uniforms, provide Christmas gifts for children in HALOS, work with I-Beam (an ecumenical group in Mt Pleasant) and continually educate our congregation about opportunities for service.


Nurture works with the session and staff to cover all pastoral care needs, providing meals when folks are in the hospital or for bereavement, sending cards and other correspondence to those with special needs, overseeing the prayer chain, and sometimes providing transportation to doctors’ offices, the hospital or to church, They keep the session informed of pastoral care needs, provide care packages for our college students and those in the military. Above all, they make a special effort to get to know congregation members.


The fellowship team plans for meals and special events in the church, oversees the kitchen, and helps other ministry teams with meas. They plan and coordinate children’s events, such as Fall Festival and the Easter Egg Hunt, as well. Whenever there is a reason to gather, the fellowship team is there to help!


This team oversees all monies and financial controls of the church. reviews insurance policies and loan info,  prepares tax information, provides the session with a monthly report of income and expenses, Writes policies for memorials, special gifts, etc., Plans the annual stewardship campaign, and makes recommendations to session on any issue concerning finances, including staff salaries.


The marketing team oversees signs, direct mail, newspaper advertising,  and special events like May Day or Bring a Friend Sundays, encouraging and welcoming new families into our church. They send feature articles about the church to the media, update the website and social media, and find creative ways to get the word out about PPC!

Building & Grounds

This team plans work days, receives bids for any repairs to the church and lawn care, takes care of maintenance (anything from changing light bulbs to checking A/C filters), and presents to session any future building plans or improvements to our facility.


This team handles all staffing issues, including annual reviews, background checks,  staff salaries, hiring new staff, reviewing staff evaluations with each individual staff person,  and working with any search committees within the church.